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Z. Katz

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  1. Note: After the first time I've spent some time ironing out problems and reworking how the mission plays out. Even if you've played this once before this will play out in a different way for the most part so don't be afraid to tag along again. Event Details: 11/20/22 @ 1500CST Situation: SCP-8749 tipped off the foundation about some sort of disaster happening on the island of Suursaari. MTF Epsilon-11 was mentioned by name as a necessity for containment in the threat. When questioned further, SCP-8749 was unable to come up with an explanation, simply saying it was hard to put in words why. A initial survey team was sent out regardless. They started on the southern end of the island and made their way north, and found nothing of concern until about mid way up the island. Electronic equipment started to fail, and they began to grow more paranoid of being stalked. Deeming it unsafe to continue they decided to RTB. As of now further recon of the northern part of the island using drones or aerial equipment has been impossible. Nothing electronic functions near the northern part of the island, not even satellite imaging seems to work. That is all we know of the situation as of now. Mission: Investigate and attempt to contain or end the whatever is going on here. Required Mods: + All normal mods + 72nd Non Cannon Repo -> SCP Mods (just the mods in this sub folder) Setting up Non Cannon Repo can be found here. Sign-up: To sign up RSVP. There are 10 slots total. If all the slots are taken comment "overflow", you'll have priority if there are any no shows with getting a slot on day of! Roles will be decided the day of.
  2. SFODA Sunday Training, covering MOUT & Raid
  3. First stand down Operation, 1800 CST. Make sure you get @ATMT-Trava from WW2 Repo.

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